Sunday, April 29, 2012

David Won with a Sling ...and his Staff?

Like most pastors, I am frequently asked questions by others who are seeking better understanding or just a different perspective on biblical topics or passages. Although I don't consider myself even close to being a scholar, I do admit that I love studying and research the Scriptures - especially from a Hebraic perspective.

With that being said, here is one of my recent 'question and answer' exchanges.

"Can you tell me what the purpose was of David carrying his staff into battle to face Goliath?" 

1 Kings 17:40 says,
"Then he took his staff in his hand,... and with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine."

Let me offer 2 possible reasons for the "staff":
    1. A weapon - used as a club to beat or hammer with
    2. A written (engraved) testimony of God's acts - both personal and family
        The staff was a wooden stick that was often carved or inscribed with one's testimony 
        or personal experiences with God's divine acts and His blessings. This staff then 
        became a family heirloom and 'spiritual journal' that was passed down as a part of the 
        family inheritance from generation to generation.

I'm sure that David used his staff daily in tending his sheep - many times as a weapon against wild animals trying to destroy his sheep; and at other times, to record his testimony, experiences and songs (psalms) of worship he wrote to God. Yet, of the two purposes, I personally believe David carried his staff into battle against Goliath because of the recorded history and miracles it so vividly represented. Not so much to be used as a physical weapon, but more as a personal reminder of everything he had already experienced with God by his side - both publicly and privately. Somehow, I believe that David's staff reminded him "just as God was with me then, He is with me now!" In fact, it is entirely possible that David could have actually been "reading from his staff' when retelling the story to King Saul how he had already killed a lion and a bear (1 Sam. 17:34-35) - all the while, using this 'wooden testimony' to build confidence in God's ability to use him to also face and kill this giant. (Maybe this is what David was speaking about when he wrote in Psalms 23:4 "...Thy rod [Hebraic word used for "Torah" or Word of God] and thy staff [God's personal resume in my life] they comfort me.")

So the picture of David taking his sling AND his staff to the battle becomes more clear and complete. The "sling" represented 'David's skill' and the "staff" represented "God's Word and power" in David's life - BOTH of which we must be equipped with as we fight forward every day!

The POINT: Relying on your skills (sling) alone will get you killed, because there are giants bigger/stronger than you. In addition, God's Word (staff) will remain inactive in your life without your efforts or 'works' (James 2:17). HOWEVER, when we learn to sharpen and exercise our skills/abilities, while being directed, led and accompanied by God's Word and power... GIANTS DIE - ARMIES RUN - and the KINGDOM WINS!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

5 Commands to Bless Israel

Israel is one of the most controversial topics (and nations) in the world today. And, although many perspectives are swimming through the mirky waters of politics and Middle East rhetoric, one opinion definitively trumps all others - God's.

In an extremely simplified listing, check out these five actions and attitudes God instructs Christians to have towards Israel.   

Genesis 12:3  "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." 
     According to the Hebraic understanding, we "bless" Israel by celebrating and honoring   
     her as a nation and as a people. Notice there are only two choices; either you "bless" 
     Israel or you "curse" her - neutrality was not a given option. Choose wisely, because 
     God promises to respond back to us in the same way we respond to Israel.

Psalms 122:6 "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May all who love this city prosper."
    Prayer is so powerful and effective that God instructs us to petition heaven for 
    Jerusalem's peace. I believe one of the reasons God tells us to pray for Israel is because 
    whoever or whatever you pray for becomes close and important to your heart. And, yet 
    again... God promises another blessing... this time of prosperity, on our lives as we 
    continue to pray for the city God loves!

Isaiah 40:1 "Comfort, comfort my people says your God."
    The bible tells us to console and have compassion on God's people. We must never 
    forget that God loves, cherishes and celebrates the Jewish people, regardless of their 
    dysfunctional history in serving Him. In fact, Scripture reminds us in Zechariah 2:8 that 
    the Jews are still the apple of God's eye. Use your words of care and concern to comfort 
    those that God dearly loves.

Isaiah 62:1 "For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not remain quiettill her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch."
    No more silence! We are told to speak-out against those who seek to destroy Israel and 
    the Jewish people. Verse 6 even goes on to call us "watchmen" who protect Jerusalem's 
    borders through our voice and declaration of 'warning' as we see enemies approaching. 
    Today, Israel is surrounded by enemies and is in serious need of voices who will be silent 
    no more!

Romans 15:27 "They (Gentiles) were pleased to do it, and indeed they owe it to them (Jews). For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews' spiritual blessings, they (Gentiles) owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings."
    The Apostle Paul instructs those of the Judeo-Christian faith to financially give to Israel   
    and the Jewish people. Remember, the Christian faith is undeniably based and founded 
    on the Jewish heritage: we have a faith based on Jewish covenants; patriarchs of our 
    faith were Jews; the Bible was written by mostly Jewish writers; and we have a Jewish 
    Messiah who was born as a Jew, lived as a Jew, died as a Jew, will return as the Jew's 
    Messiah and will reside in the New Jerusalem!

Today, as never before, Christians have the opportunity and responsibility to stand strong with the Jewish people and the State of Israel. Of course, our support doesn't mean that we sanction or agree with all that Israel says or does as a people or as a nation. Nor does it mean that God's love is greater for the Jews than for non-Jews... that is simply not true. However, beyond a person's political or theological bent, God's Word plainly admonishes us to actively and intentionally bless, pray, comfort, speak and give to Israel.

Monday, April 16, 2012

3 Pillars of Powerful Public Speaking

Communication is one of the most powerful capacities God graced our lives with. Regardless of the method used (writing, live address, video, etc), possessing the ability to arrange and deliver a series of thoughts in a manner that brings impact, challenge and change to another person is an amazing and humbling opportunity.

I have been blessed to 
speak in front of audiences for more than twenty years. And, although I have enjoyed some highlight speaking experiences, many of my messages sank just like the Titanic - they were cold, slow and scary for everyone! Well, through it all, I was able to finally identify three major pillars of communication that I began building each of my messages on. Maybe this simple structure will help you, too.

    As communicators, we understand that our message has to actually say something. There are fewer things worse that listening to someone's empty babble for 28-minutes in the voice of Charlie Brown's teacher... "Wah, wah wah-wah, wah!" As speakers, we are (rightfully) expected to deliver content-rich information that is worthy of being heard - filled with truth, insight and perspective that will educate and empower the listener. Remember to always keep 'personal growth' your primary purpose for studying, and then develop your message with such a volume of information that some of the content doesn't make "the final cut". Only then will you enjoy the security, confidence and excitement that every effective speaker needs.

    A message's Impact is directly related to the credibility of its messenger. Too many believe that a strong resume can make up for a weak character. This is simply not true. Never forget that the validity of our voice directly effects the impact (believability and receptivity) of our message - especially in the church-world. Once a minister loses public credibility, his voice is immediately weakened and the reach of his message is crippled. Make wise, quality and intentional decisions in your private life. How you handle your private time will determine your public potential - believe it.

    My goal as a communicator isn't to just be heard, but to be effective with my message. In order for this to happen, deliberate ingredients must be added to the presentation. We can own the greatest message on paper, but if it doesn't connect with our audience, it's useless. Here are some key elements in reaching your crowd.
  • Believe your message. Be excited about your message before you deliver it publicly. Your passion, smile and energy will inspire those listening. After all, if you aren't enjoying your talk, then... well, never mind.
  • Engage the crowd. Having them stand, move, clap or respond in a certain way. Allow the listener to become a participant with your message - not just a spectator. Never under-estimate the unforgettable power of an object or illustration to make your point clear. Get creative, have fun and don't be afraid of crowd response.
  • Smile. Yep, that's it... just smile. If you aren't normally a funny person, then please don't try to tell a joke - but at least smile and warm the atmosphere. The crowd will love it.
  • Ride the wave of pop-culture. Although this is partly "content" oriented, it has everything to do with connecting with your audience as well. Rip-off the popular title of a hit tv program, song or movie for your message title. Reference iconic people/personalities in the media and news. This will make your message memorable and, yes, somewhat relevant.
  • Go personal. One of the most powerful connectors for the audience to hear is your life-story. Keep it real. You may be surprised to know that people relate with pain and failure quicker than victory and success. Encourage people with your story. Vulnerability and self-disclosure is a highway into people's hearts.
  • End with a challenge. Never let your listener leave without a 'take-away' from your message. Challenge them to change or enhance a certain area of their life. Your message made them think... now your challenge can make them act.
I hope these keys (or some aspect of them) will help you successfully prepare and deliver your next presentation with maximum impact. I do realize that speaking styles differ from speaker to speaker, and I enjoy learning from each one of them. However, it is my personal experience that these three essentials remains necessary for successful public speaking: message content, speaker credibility and audience connection. Deliver this trio and your message will carry the potential of impacting someone for a lifetime.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

5 Hebraic Insights: Jesus is Our Passover Lamb

I love ‘hidden object’ games. Ever played one? The challenge is to identify various objects (i.e. hammer, ring, feather) that are obscured below the initial look of a normal picture. This is exactly what studying the Hebrew roots of Christianity feels like to me. It is a treasure hunt through the Hebraic culture, customs, rituals and language only to discover invaluable insights to the Christian faith and the life of Jesus.

As we celebrate this week of Passover, check-out these five hidden Hebraic mysteries that identify Jesus as our Passover Lamb!

1. A lamb was the required Passover sacrifice.

       Lamb: God told Moses to have each family choose a perfect, spotless lamb from their herd to be a substitute-sacrifice for the sins of their family. (Exodus 12:3)

       Jesus: The bible tells us that Jesus led a sinless life (Hebrews 4:15) – making Him the perfect and only Sacrifice to take our place and remove our sins (John 1:29).

2. Each family took the Passover lamb into their house four days before it was sacrificed.
       Lamb: After choosing a lamb to be sacrificed for the sins of the household, the family would bring the lamb into their home to live with them for four days prior to the sacrifice. In fact, Jewish tradition goes on to tell us that they would name, handle and play with the lamb, essentially making it a family pet. All of this was done to assure that each family member would personally feel the impact, sacrifice and loss at the death of the lamb. (Exodus 12:3,6)

       Jesus: The Bible is specific to inform us that exactly four days before His crucifixion, Jesus entered Jerusalem with people praising Him and calling Him by name. Jesus then ministered throughout the city, giving the hometown crowd the opportunity to personally meet, connect with and "handle" Him before His crucifixion. (Matthew 21:1-11)

3. The Passover lamb was roasted upright on a stake.
       Lamb: Jewish tradition tells us that one of the required regulations for preparing the Passover lamb was for it to be roasted and placed upright on a spit or a stake. Another stick was inserted across the shoulders to spread the front legs wide-open. Many rabbinic sources admit not understanding the exact purpose behind the mandatory upright, wide-open ‘posture’ of the lamb other than to fully cook the lamb. 

       Jesus: To Christians, the purpose of this command paints a vivid, undeniable picture of Jesus crucified up-right with His arms stretched open - suspended between heaven and earth on the cross. (Matthew 27)
4. The Passover lamb was to have no bones broken.
       Lamb: Specific instruction was given by God to Moses to not break any bones of the lamb. (Exodus 12:46)

       Jesus: What would be the illogical purpose in 'not breaking a bone of the lamb' other than to foreshadow a specific detail of Jesus' sacrifice? Remember - the bible takes specific effort to inform us that not one of Jesus' bones were broken throughout His crucifixion process. Just interesting... or intentional? (Psalms 34:20, John 19:31-37)

5. The Passover lamb’s intestines were placed on top of lamb's head. 
       Lamb: Rabbinic writings (Mishnah - tracte Pesahim) tell of the required procedures in preparing the lamb, accompanied by a curious Jewish tradition of placing the lamb's intestines atop of its head as it stood upright on the stake. No real purpose was identified, yet for centuries, the Passover lamb was adorned with a type of 'head covering' - called the "crown of the Passover lamb".

       Jesus: One of the brutal elements intended to mock and torture Jesus during His crucifixion was to have a 'crown of thorns' placed on His head. Again, looking back to the lamb's intestine-covered head, it is easy to see the foreshadowing of the crown Jesus would one day wear on His head as He hung suspended between heaven and earth. (John 19:2)

Please understand that many, many more parallels and connections could be made to identify Jesus, the "Lamb of God", to the Passover lamb mentioned in Exodus. However, Hebrews 10:1-18 identifies the one glaring difference... Jesus is the 'ultimate and final sacrifice' and His death as the "Lamb of God", the final Passover sacrifice, has atoned for the sins of all mankind for eternity! 

Chag Sameach! (Happy Passover!)

Friday, April 6, 2012

The 7 Places Jesus Bled

Passover/Easter weekend carries the paradoxical reality of being a sobering celebration  for Christians around the world. It is a time where we gratefully remember the heinous murder of Jesus and the eternal-life he purchased for all of us with His death and resurrection... if only we will believe

As many are aware, Jesus died under the Roman sentence of scourging and crucifixion - a punishment that was brutal, vicious, bloody, sadistic, torturous and beyond humane. Yet, true to His thirty-three year earth-mission, even every aspect of this execution was full of intention and purpose.

Let's identify the seven major areas where Jesus bled bodily... and then connect the impact that His bleeding from these areas has upon our lives today. After all, doesn't it make sense that if Jesus' entire life was a 'mission from heaven', then even the details of His torturous death carried a purpose as well? 

7 Areas Jesus Bled for Us

1. Pours of His Skin
    Gethsemane was the place where Jesus' sweat became like 'great drops of blood' (a 
    medical condition called 'hematohidrosis'). Gethsemane was known as 'a place of  
    pressing or crushing' - where the olive was pressed until the oil was squeezed out. 

             1 Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.(NIV) 
    Jesus endured the weight of the world as he prayed alone that night in Gethsemane and 
    His body began breaking-down under the emotional pressure, strain and stress He was 

    Jesus already bled for your strength and security in spite of the heaviness, pressure and 
    stress you would encounter in life!

2. Head
    A 'crown of thorns' was pressed down onto His head, gouging and penetrating into His 
    brow. Jesus' bleeding wounds completely surrounded His head - and mind.

             Isaiah 26:3 "You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is steadfast, because 
             he trusts in you." (NIV)

    Jesus already bled for your peace-filled mind and thoughts

3. Hands
    Jesus' hands/wrists were pierced-through with iron spikes - securing His arms to the 

             Deut. 28:12 "The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouses of his bounty, to 
             send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will 
             lend to many nations but ill borrow from none." (NIV)

    Jesus already bled for the produce, increase and prosperity for your life! 

4. Feet
    Jesus' feet were stacked atop each other and pierced-through with an iron spike - 
    securing His legs to the cross.

              Deut. 11:24 "Every place where you set your foot will be yours..."
              Psalms 119:133 "Direct my footsteps according to your word..."

    Jesus already bled for the authority and direction of your life!

5. Side/Heart
    After hanging on the cross for hours, a Roman soldier impaled Jesus with a spear through 
    His side and into his heart - assuring His death. 

               Psalms 147:3 "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."

    Jesus already bled for the healing of your broken-heart!

6. Face
    Jesus was blindfolded and then punched in the face by the soldiers, just before they    
    ripped His beard out by the handfuls and then lined-up to spit into the open wounds of 
    His face. No doubt, His eyes were blacked and swollen, His cheeks were raw and ripped 
    open and His lips were busted and bleeding. According to the cultural and criminal 
    etiquette and of that day, we know that this treatment was solely intended to 
    humiliate, shame and disgrace Jesus.

              Hebrews 12:2 "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, 
              who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning the shame, and sat 
              down at the right hand of the throne of God." (NIV)

    Jesus already bled to remove the shame and disgrace off of your life!

7. Back
    Jesus was beaten with a Roman scourge made up of nine strips of leather embedded 
    with bone, metal and sharp stones. The thirty-nine strips that Jesus received would have 
    delivered over 1000 wounds to His back and hips.

               Isaiah 53:4-5 "Surely He hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows: yet we   
               did esteem Him stricken, smitten of God and afflicted. But He was wounded for 
               our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our 
               peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed." (KJV)

Jesus already bled to remove sickness, dis-ease, grief and sorrows off your life!

Jesus allowed them to beat Him from behind so that everything behind you would be defeated, too! Now, everything that tries to run-up behind you from your 'past' simply runs into the atoning blood of Jesus... no more history, reputation or fear to run from. You are free!

Bottom Line: Jesus became the "living Word" (John 1:14), died as the "Lamb of God" (John 1:29) and provided healing and deliverance from all destruction (Ps. 107:20) in every area of our lives! Now... go enjoy your Easter/Passover celebration with the TOTAL LIFE that Jesus provided for you on Calvary, because... Jesus already bled for that!

Good Friday... or Good Wednesday?

3 DAYS & NIGHTS cannot happen if Jesus died on Friday and rose on Sunday. Yet, the accuracy of Scripture is critical to the veracity of our Faith. Did Jesus really stay buried for 3 days and nights? YES! But not according to Christian tradition.

Christianity celebrates 'Good Friday' as the day Jesus was crucified, died and was buried, with His resurrection on Sunday. Although the events are definitive, the time-frames of a Friday death and a Sunday resurrection simply don't add up according to Scripture. Simply put, this error in timing is due to a gross misunderstanding of the Hebraic calendar and festival schedule... which Jesus lived and died by!
      Matt. 12:40 " shall the Son of man be 3 days & 3 nights in the heart of the earth."

Following is a Hebraic sketch of the Passover/Passion Week.
**KEY POINT: The Jewish "day" starts at sundown (6pm) and lasts until the FOLLOWING evening at sundown (6pm) - which is a full 24 hours (Gen. 1:5).
      ExampleOUR Sunday BEGINS at 12:00am midnight (dark) and ENDS at 11:59pm
     (dark). The Jewish Sunday BEGINS on SATURDAY at 6pm (sundown) and ENDS at 6pm
  • Tues. after 6pm: Jesus eats Last Supper with Disciples
  • Tues. night: Jesus arrested
  • Wed. 6am: Trial and Beating
  • Wed. 9am: Crucified
  • Wed. 3pm: Died on the Cross (same time as Passover Lambs being killed by the Priest)
  • Wed. 6pm: Buried before sundown
  • IN the Tomb "3 nights & 3 days" - Wednesday sundown (6pm) through Saturday at sundown (6pm)
Count 3 NIGHT (dark) segments: WED. beginning at 6pm - THURS. - FRI. 
Count 3 DAY (light) segments: THURS - FRI - SAT up to 6pm 
    **REMEMBER: Sundown on Saturday at 6pm is actually the beginning of Sunday.
Jesus resurrected from the dead and exited the tomb at the end of Sabbath (Saturday - just before 6pm) or at the very start of Sunday (just after 6pm) - the first day of the week - the Day of Firstfruits!
Luke 24:1-3
1  Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning (at sunrise), they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them. 
2  And they found the stone (already) rolled away from the sepulchre. 
3  And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.
...JESUS was GONE before daylight on Sunday morning!

Please Note: I am NOT condemning a "Good Friday" Celebration... because the MOST IMPORTANT reality is that Jesus paid OUR PENALTY through His Crucifixion, Burial and Resurrection - and that we can know Him today as the SAVIOR and LORD of our LIVES! My encouragement is this... be careful to NEVER ALLOW Christian "tradition" to alter the Biblical facts and reality of your Faith. Truth matters.

Happy Passover/Easter!