My dad and I have enjoyed watching boxing together for years. Maybe its something about the 'cave-man' in us that loves watching two men slug it out until only one man remained standing - or in some cases, leaning.
There is one thing I have discovered over the years... every fighter eventually finds himself looking up from the mat wondering "what just hit me?". And amazingly, it's in that dazed, disoriented and damaged condition that the fighter has to make one of the gutsiest decisions of his career - do I quit and stay down or do I regather and fight my way back up? But... not only must he decide to "get up," he has to start moving quickly because the referee only gives him until the count of '10' to make it happen. If he doesn't beat the count - he's defeated and the fight is over.
Like most people, I have experienced several 'gut-checks' in life - scenarios that have sucked the wind and strength right out of me. For my wife and I, the punches that dropped us to the floor were when two of our children were still-born. Maybe you've experienced a phone call, conversation or report you never saw coming... but it dropped you hard and the 10-count has already started. The truth is, life floors everyone... but we can get back up.
1. Decide to get up!
Refuse to even think about giving-up. I know you are disoriented, but refuse to
give-in. There is always hope for a comeback - but you have to get-up to see it
happen. If you quit believing - you'll quit fighting; if you quit fighting - you'll quit
living. Getting back up... is the decision that every future champion has to make!
2. Decide to get up quickly!
The longer you stay-down, the more focused you become on your pain; and, the
longer you spend thinking about the punch, the closer you are to being counted-out.
Be careful! When weak, tired and hurting, we typically reach for 'comfort' instead of
'growth'. Don't allow your emotions to throw in the towel - immediately begin the
journey back to your feet. You can do this, but you have to start now!
The bible tells us about a man named Nehemiah who's world got rocked with bad news. He learned that the city of Jerusalem had been attacked and destroyed and only a few Jews survived. Amazingly, the bible goes on to give us a play-by-play view of how Nehemiah dealt with this 'knock-out' punch.
Nehemiah 1:4-5 (NIV)
"When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and
fasted and prayed before the God of heaven. Then I said..."
Step 1: "Sit Down"
When heavy news hits your life, make a quality, disciplined decision to sit down,
breathe deep and gather your thoughts. Don't react or make emotional decisions that
may worsen the situation.
Step 2: "Cry"
Express your pain. Don't bottle it up only to have it explode later. Give yourself a
license to be human and express your emotion. Of course, boundaries are still
important, but find that safe and proper way of allowing your heart and soul to
respond emotionally.
Step 3: "Fast and Pray"
This made the difference between staying down as a victim or getting up as a champ!
When Nehemiah began fasting and praying he turned the corner, took control and
began fighting his way back up. Fasting and prayer isn't an idle activity in the time of
mourning. It is your faith 'fighting back' by looking to God's goodness, power and
ability to help in the tragedy you are facing. For Nehemiah, it was that
acknowledgment of God's presence that strengthened and settled his hope, faith and
heart enough to get his mind and spirit standing tall again.
Step 4: "Get Up"
Now you've got to change your position. 'Sitting down' was Nehemiah's first step, but
now he knew it was time to get back up again. Why? When Nehemiah stood up, he
literally raised and changed his physical perspective on life. Proper vision is critical
for your come-back and for your future. Once your faith is strong, then you can get
back on your feet and start seeing things again from a higher perspective. It's time to
see beyond the immediate difficulty of today, and start seeing, hoping and believing
in a place called tomorrow.
Step 5: "Move Forward"
Now, get active and start living again. Reconnect with your routine and those healthy
relationships in your life. Laugh. Exercise. Plan. Smile. Talk forward. Think forward.
Reach forward. Believe forward. Get your eyes and heart focused back on your
future, because that is where you are headed.
Nehemiah got back up... and you can, too!
~Touching and Felt~
ReplyDeleteThis phrase can be life changing: When weak, tired and hurting, we typically reach for 'comfort' instead of 'growth'... Thanks.